What is a child dedication?
Written by David Steltz
Posted On March 13th, 2022
Deuteronomy 6:5-7 (CSB) - Love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. These words that I am giving you today are to be in your heart. Repeat them to your children. Talk about them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up
What is a baby dedication?
A baby/child dedication is a public service where parents of a young child stand before their church family and declare their commitment to raising their family God’s way. They formally declare their intent to raise their child according to biblical principles, entrust their child’s life to God, and ask the church to partner with them in doing so. It is also a great way for parents to share their faith, by inviting other family and friends to attend a significant event in their child’s life.
What a Child Dedication is NOT
A baby dedication is not a baptism. We believe baptism is important for all believers who are able to articulate and profess their faith in Christ. As an infant cannot do so, we do not baptize infants. There is no water involved in a baby dedication. A baby dedication is not a “golden ticket into heaven” for your child. Just as baptism is a response to salvation, not a prerequisite to salvation, so a baby dedication is a response to God’s calling to be a parent. In some ways, it is more a “parent dedication” than a “child dedication.”
Should you dedicate your child at NCF?
If you have a baby or young child, are committed to raising them according to biblical principles and entrusting them to God, and you consider NCF your current church “home,” then you should absolutely schedule a dedication service with the elders! You do not need to be a member of NCF, however you should strongly consider it if you are not already in the process of membership. Dedication Covenant This covenant recognizes your child as a blessing from God and dedicates them to the Lord who gave them to you, in the hope that they will someday surrender themselves wholly to Jesus Christ. It acknowledges the God-given responsibility of being the appointed caretaker(s) for your child, by the grace of God and with the support of your local church family.
If you would like to schedule a dedication service with the elders, please read and fill out the covenant form to get started.