Our Leaders
Leadership Model
At NCF we strive to keep things Biblical and simple. The way we understand and practice church leadership might look a little different from other churches you are familiar with, so here’s a basic overview.
We believe that Jesus is the head of the church, which the Bible describes as His body and His bride (Colossians 1:18; Ephesians 5:23). Practically, this means the church is not an organization that belongs to any one group of people. Instead, the church is a group of people who belong to Jesus. He is the chief shepherd, exercising the highest authority over the leadership of His people (1 Peter 5:4).
Additionally, Jesus has seen fit to establish and bless His church with two types of formal church leaders: elders and deacons. These individuals, fully submitted to Christ’s leadership, work in humility and interdependence to posture the church for success in the work Christ has called us to.